What is dynamic slicing?
Dynamic slicing is a technique for program
debugging and understanding. Given a program P, the programmer provides a
slicing criterion of the form (I, L, V), where I is a program input, L is a set
of some statement instances during execution of program P with input I, and V is
a set of variables referenced by L. The purpose of slicing is to find out
statements in P which have affected the values of V at L during execution, via
dynamic control or data dependencies. So, if during program execution, the
values of V at L were "unexpected", the corresponding slice can be
inspected to explain the reason for the unexpected values. More on dynamic
slicing can be found in research paper [2].
Why collect, and analyze an execution trace in compressed form?
Dynamic slicing is performed on an execution
trace by detecting dynamic control and data dependencies. However, the size of
an execution trace may be huge. Consequently, it is important to compactly
represent the execution trace and perform program analysis (e.g. dynamic
slicing) over the compact representation.
How does the compression scheme work in the tool?
The compactness of the trace representation is owning to several factors. First,
bytecodes which do not correspond to memory access or control transfer are not
traced. Second, the sequences of addresses used by memory access or control
transfer bytecodes are stored separately. Since these sequences typically have
high repetition of patterns, we exploit such repetition to save space. We modify
a well-known lossless data compression algorithm called SEQUITUR [1] for this
purpose. More technical details about this tool have been discussed in our paper
Click on this link to get more detail: http://jslice.sourceforge.net/